Market Reports


Our free reports give you exclusive insights into the pharmaceutical markets and are regularly provided by our data experts. From now on, you can conveniently request the market reports for download.


Status 06/2024

Here you can request the current OTC Report free of charge. You can expect:

  • Overall market development in pharmacy purchasing
  • Sales of public pharmacies
  • Sales of mail order pharmacies
  • Analyses of price levels
  • Top 3 OTC medicines

Health insurance Market

Status 05/2024

Here you can request the current Health Insurance Report free of charge. You can expect:

  • Turnover development in the entire health insurance market
  • Health insurance market overview according to market segments
  • Sales & prescriptions in health insurance market segments and associated rates of change

Medical supply market/ CI

Status 05/2024

Here you can request the current report in the field of medical supply (Care information) free of charge. You can expect:

  • Pharmacy market by turnover and packages
  • Pharmacy purchasing development CI total market
  • Pharmacy sales development CI total market
  • Prescription market development
  • Original vs. imported products